The foundation has also prepared 25 slogans to promote use of such products through print, electronic, online and social media platforms. The state agency will send the slogans to different government and private organisations through letters and emails to raise awareness.
To encourage purchase of local products, special features will be published on local dailies, talk-shows will be organised and text messages will be sent under government arrangement. Different government bodies will also organise events to inspire people to go for purchasing more local products.
Steps have been taken to ensure better marketing for SMEs, easier access to loans and grants, and introduction of quotas so that the governemtn buys a certain amount of services or products from the SMEs.
It will also help the economy keep going amid the pandemic. All these government efforts have also helped keep the supply chain stable in the industries sector during the pandemic. To survive and keep pace with the global economy, it has become imperative to learn the new and modern technologies, improve product quality and provide SMEs with more facilities to market their products.