“Sustainability will never be attained if we do not think of cumulative sustainability.” – Reaz Uddin Al-Mamoon, Chairman, Epyllion Group
How does Epyllion view CSR?
We believe that “great success comes with great responsibility”, that is why the Epyllion group feels that CSR is our obligation to the society and the environment. Contributing to society to the best of our ability is one of the core philosophies of Epyllion. Our country is still struggling with a lot of social issues. Our children are still deprived of basic human rights and climate change is affecting people every year. Epyllion’s core belief includes focusing on social interventions in education, sports, health, and the environment. We have already carried out multiple projects on these four issues and are looking forward to engaging in similar projects in the future. In a nutshell, we look at CSR in the Epyllion group as the gateway to developing our country.
What motivates you to work for the environment through Sailor-Green Savers ‘Plant for Planet’, and how are you planning to take this programme into the next decade?
Our existence depends on the environment. It goes without saying that all companies need to come forward to work for environmental protection. We need to start by teaching our children about the importance of the environment. ‘Plant for Planet’ targets school-going children and tries to instil in them a love for the environment. The programme also teaches them how to raise trees.
What other milestone in terms of CSR activities has Epyllion achieved?
We are working to ensure quality education for the children of our workers, by providing them with scholarships In terms of sports, we are running 17 football clubs targeting adolescent children. Epyllion funds clubs and sponsors sports events in various districts. We are sponsoring sports such as marathons and cycling. As a result, we hope to build awareness among the young generation on the importance of physical fitness and good health. Our main goal through this intervention is to protect our young generation from drug addiction by engaging them in sports, teambuilding, leadership and physical activities. In the future, we will extend our efforts toward sports and community health. Speaking of health, we also introduced the project ‘Nayan Tori’, a mobile eye hospital project. This hospital is traveling to different remote districts of the country and screens the eyes of thousands of people.