
Research: Demand for CSR among Millennials

LIC Bangladesh Distributes School Bags to Children

Life Insurance Corporation of Bangladesh (LIC) has recently distributed 200 school bags to underprivileged children in the community in association with Mastul Foundation. This charitable initiative was taken to ensure that every child has access to the necessary educational tools and resources. The school bags were distributed to children from low-income families in the area, who otherwise may not have been able to afford them

The LIC team believes that providing these school bags is a small step towards addressing the issue of educational inequality in the community and helping to pave the way for a brighter future for these children. The organization plans to continue its efforts to support education in the community and make a positive impact on the lives of the children and families it serves.

The distribution of the school bags was met with great appreciation by the children, their parents and local authorities. The school bags were handed over to the children by the LIC officials during a ceremony held at the local school. The ceremony was attended by the LIC officials, school teachers, parents and local community leaders.

This initiative by LIC is a clear indication of the company’s commitment to social responsibility and its role in making a difference in the lives of people in the community. The company will continue to strive to make a positive impact in the community and support the education of the children.

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