According to a Prime Bank news statement issued on Sunday, Faisal Rahman, Additional Managing Director, Professor Dr Hosne- Ara Begum (Ashoka Fellow, PHF& AKS), Founder Executive Director, TMSS, and other top officials from Prime Bank and TMSS were present during the food distribution event.
According to the press release, the Bangladesh Bank issued a directive requiring all banks to set aside 1% of their net earnings for CSR, with 50% of it set aside for the coronavirus-affected areas of Rajshahi and Khulna.
Prime Bank carried out the food relief distribution program in accordance with a Bangladesh Bank instructions, the press release said.
Faisal Rahman, Prime Bank’s Additional Managing Director, commented on the CSR initiative, saying, “Prime Bank has always been a pro-people institution, and the Covid-19 disaster necessitates our assistance even more than before. For years to come, our endeavour to aid the people of this country will be ongoing “
“We are thrilled to join with Prime Bank for such an important cause,” said Professor Dr Hosne- Ara Begum, Founder Executive Director of TMSS. “We aim to carry this cooperation forward and support the people of Bangladesh whenever it is needed.”