New Delhi: MCG major Reckitt, which owns popular hygiene brand Dettol, on Sunday said it is replacing its logo on its handwash with the image of Covid protectors along with their inspiring story. Under its #DettolSalutes campaign, Reckitt has curated 100 such stories from across India and carried them on its liquid handwash packs in honour of the protectors who have helped numerous people during the pandemic. “For the first time in its history Dettol, as a tribute to Covid-19 warriors replaced its iconic logo with an image of a Covid protector along with the protector’s’ inspiring story, the company said. While talking to PTI, Reckitt Regional Marketing Director, South Asia Health & Nutrition Dilen Gandhi said through this initiative, Dettol is paying tribute to the many other protectors in the country
“We believe these stories when shared, give a sense of much-needed optimism among those seeing them. Therefore, as a brand, we have for the first time in Dettol’s history, given up our logo to share their actions. As the packs carry these stories, we believe they will also carry a message of hope across our country,” he said.
#DettolSalute packs will be available on e-commerce channels and across 500,000 stores in India from the third week of June. “We have collated 100 such stories, representing the diversity of our nation from places such as Srinagar, Guwahati, Coimbatore and Ahmedabad, he said adding that the list has a representation of both genders from all age groups.
In addition, Dettol has also launched a website for people from across India to share stories and acknowledge Covid protectors in their midst by creating customised virtual packs and sharing them on their social media channels, he added. “The intent is to cover a wide spectrum, thereby striking a personal chord with people from across the country. With the change in brand packaging and replacing its logo, Dettol aims to reach out to its consumers and show its solidarity by instilling a sense of hope to get through this phase,” it said.